While I believe that composition and lighting are far more significant than whatever recording medium is behind the lens, I have collected a set of tools that can help bring your story to life with the quality you need for the budget you have.
I have complete Arri ALEXA, Arri SR2, and Canon 7D packages available for rent as well as a half-ton grip and lighting package. I offer discounts on all gear when rented along with my services as cinematographer.
With 14 stops of dynamic range, a base sensitivity of EI 800 and gorgeous, cinematic image quality, ALEXA is arguably the most beautiful and film-like digital camera available. With film camera style ergonomics and controls, and a simple direct-to-edit workflow, ALEXA gets out of the way and allows us to focus on the creativity and art of filmmaking.
ALEXA was used to shoot Hugo (Robert Richardson, ASC) and Life of Pi (Claudio Miranda, ASC), recipients of the Academy Award for Best Cinematography in 2011 and 2012, respectively, as well as many other features, televisions series, commercials, and more. If you want the top of the line in digital image capture for your next project, shoot ALEXA.
Starting at $1000/day.
Basic Package
- Alexa EV body with necessary cables
- Electronic Viewfinder
- BP-9 15mm Studio Bridge Plate with 12″ dovetail
- Long and short rods
- Shoulder Pad
- (4) 32GB Sony SxS PRO cards
- AC 24V Power Supply
- (5) IDX E-HL9 88Wh V-Mount Batteries
- IDX VL-S4i Simultaneous Quick Charger
Complete Package
- Alexa EV Basic Package
- (3) 64GB Sony SxS PRO Cards
- Zeiss Standard Speed 6-Lens Set
- 4×5.65″ Tiffen IRND Set
- 4×5.65″ Schneider Optical Flat
- 138mm Schneider Linear Tru-Pol
- Chrosziel Studio Follow Focus
- O’Connor O-Box WM
- Sachtler 7+7 Studio II Fluid Head
- Heavy Duty Standard and Baby Tripods
- High Hat
- TV Logic 5.6″ Premium Monitor
- Panasonic 17″ HD Production Monitor
To learn more about the Alexa and projects I’ve shot with it, check out these posts from the blog:More Info
- Shooting "The Whistler" on ALEXA
- Cinematography for Directors: Focal Length (Part 1)
- "The Morning After" Featured in The Hollywood Reporter
- "Pas De Restes" Wins Best Narrative Short
- Shooting The Happiness Machine with Glow Sticks and ALEXA
Take a look at my camera rate card, and contact me for a personalized quote.
I am a film guy. I love the way film interacts with light, the richness of color and tone, and its flexibility to create so many different looks. Super 16mm is unique with its visible but not overpowering grain structure, and the resolution to be scanned at 2K or higher for excellent results on both big and small screens. The format is alive and well with recent films such as Fruitvale Station, Beasts of the Southern Wild, and Moonrise Kingdom all being shot on Super 16mm, as well as Academy Award for Best Cinematography nominees Black Swan (2010, Mathew Libatique, ASC) and The Hurt Locker (2009, Barry Ackroyd, BSC). Choose Super 16mm for its unique texture and colors that can only be captured on film.
The Arriflex SR2 is a classic. It is ergonomic, lightweight, and reliable, making it a trustworthy tool wherever it goes. With modern features such as a Super 16mm gate, PL-mount, color video tap, and crystal controlled motor with speeds from 1 to 75fps, this camera fits comfortably into contemporary sets and working methods.
Starting at $200/day.
Basic Package
- SR2 Body with Speed Control, Video Tap, and necessary cables
- (2) 12V Onboard Batteries
- Visual Products Battery Charger
- (2) 400′ Mags
- Right-Side Grip
- Shoulder Pad
- Mini Rodset
Complete Package
- Arri SR2 Basic Package
- Canon 8-64mm T2.4
- 4×4″ Tiffen ND Set
- 4×4″ Tiffen 85
- 4×4″ Cavision Polarizer
- Chrosziel Studio Follow Focus
- Arri MB-17 4×4″ Matte Box
- Sachtler 7+7 Studio II Fluid Head
- Heavy Duty Standard and Baby Tripods
- High Hat
- JVC 15″ Hi-Res Color Monitor
To learn more about the SR2 and projects I’ve shot with it, check out these articles:More Info
Take a look at my camera rate card, and contact me for a personalized quote.
For those on an ultra-tight budget, the Canon 7D is a low cost solution for cinematic HD digital capture. The APS-C sensor is nearly the same size as Super 35mm, allowing very similar depth-of-field and field-of-view. The 7D is also capable of recording up to 30fps in 1080p and 60fps in 720p, allowing smooth slow motion. The small size makes it possible to put the camera in places that would be difficult or impossible with full-size cameras.
Starting at $50/day.
Basic Package
- Canon EOS 7D Body
- (2) LP-E6 Batteries
- Canon LC-E6 Battery Charger
- (2) 32GB Sandisk Extreme CF Cards
Complete Package
- Canon 7D Basic Package
- (6) LP-E6 Batteries
- (3) Charger for LP-E6
- (4) 32GB Sandisk Extreme CF Card
- Complete Set of (5) Still Lenses
- 4×4″ Tiffen ND Set
- 4×4″ Cavision Polarizer
- Chrosziel Studio Follow Focus
- Redrock Lens Gear Set
- Redrock Rod Support Kit
- Vocas MB-250 4×4″ Matte Box
- Bogen 519 Fluid Head
- Manfrotto 525MVB Tripod
- High Hat
- TV Logic 5.6″ Premium Monitor
To learn more about the 7D and projects I’ve shot with it, check out these articles:More Info
Take a look at my camera rate card, and contact me for a personalized quote.
Zeiss Standard Speeds Mk. II
- 16mm T2.1 Distagon CF modified
- 24mm T2.1 Distagon CF modified
- 32mm T2.1 Planar CF modified
- 50mm T2.1 Planar CF: 18″
- 85mm T2.1 Planar CF: 36″
- 100mm T2.1 Planar CF: 40″
The Zeiss Standard Speeds have been industry workhorses for decades. They aren’t quite as razor sharp and contrasty as more modern lenses, which results in a beautiful organic look, especially to ultra-clean digital cameras. Nevertheless, they perform very well at a wide range of apertures including wide open at T2.1.This set is features PL-mounts and a Mk. III-style paint job with bold, easy to read focus marks. The 16mm, 24mm, and 32mm have been modified to allow focusing all the way to nearly the front element. The lenses are compact and lightweight, making them excellent choices for handheld and steadicam, and the unified front lens diameters and focus gear positions make lens changes quick and easy.
Canon 8-64mm T2.4 Zoom Lens
- Focal Length: 8-64mm
- Max Aperture: T2.4
- Close Focus: 2′
The Canon 8-64mm is one of the sharpest zoom lenses made for the super 16mm format. It’s generous 8:1 zoom ratio and relatively fast speed of T2.4 make it a very versatile lens. The super 16mm image circle makes it suitable not only for super 16mm film, but for the new super 16mm digital cameras coming out like the Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera, as well as the RED cameras in 2K mode.This lens features a PL-mount, geared focus, zoom, and aperture rings, and a bracket for zoom control motors. It is very lightweight for a zoom lens, making handheld and steadicam operation no problem.
35mm Still Lenses
- Nikon 28mm f/2.8 E-Series (F-mount)
- Nikon 50mm f/1.4 (F-mount)
- Tamron 90mm f/2.5 Macro (F-mount)
- Nikon 105mm f/2.5 (F-mount)
- Canon 75-300mm f/4-5.6 (EF-mount)
- F-mount to EF-mount Adapter
These lenses are great low budget companions to DSLRs like the 7D, and sometimes even cameras like the Scarlet or Epic. Aside from the zoom, these lenses are all of the slightly older, full manual style. This means that, while they aren’t as nice mechanically as cinema lenses, they are of a much sturdier build and more cinema friendly than many newer stills lenses.The Nikons have a beautiful smooth look, and the macro capabilities of the Tamron allow for outstanding detail on ultra close up shots. The F-mount to EF-mount adapter allows these lenses to be used on any camera with a Canon EF-mount.
From my work as a Camera Assistant, I realize the importance of camera accessories and their impact on the practical usability of a camera. It is with this mindset that I’ve carefully built up my kit. Whether your project calls for the ALEXA, SR2, or 7D, I have the gear necessary to make working with each camera familiar and fast, enabling you to get the shots you need.
- 4×5.65″ Tiffen IRNDs (.3, .6, .9, 1.2)
- 4×5.65″ Optical Flat
- 138mm Schneider Linear Tru-Pol
- 4×4″ Tiffen NDs (.3, .6, .9)
- 4×4″ 85
- And more…
- Chrosziel Studio Follow Focus
- O’Connor O-Box
- Arri MB-17 Matte Box
- Redrock Lens Gears
- Redrock Rod Support (for 7D)
- And more…
- Sachtler 7+7 Studio II Fluid Head
- Heavy Duty Standard and Baby Tripods
- High Hat
- And more…
- TV Logic 5.6″ Premium Monitor
- Panasonic BT-LH1700WP 17″ HD Production Monitor
- JVC 15″ Hi-Res Color Monitor
- Mole-Richardson 2K Junior Fresnel
- Arri 1K Fresnel
- Arri 1K Open Face
- ETC Source 4 750W
- (2) Arri 650W Fresnel
- (2) LTM 420W Fresnel
- LTM 300W Fresnel
- LTM 100W Fresnel
- Stingers, Dimmers, and more…
- (2) High-Roller Stand
- (4) 40″ C-Stand
- Combo Stand
- (8) Lightweight Baby Stand
- (2) 4×4′ Gel Frame
- (2) 4×4′ Floppy
- 2×3′ Floppy
- 2×3′ Single Net
- 2×3′ Double Net
- 18×24″ Floppy
- Various clamps, accessories, and more…
For more info or to get a quote, contact me.